Community Service

I. Introduction

II.    Profile of the organization(s) you worked for. Who are they? What do they do to serve the community? When do they provide their services? Where do they provide their services? Why is there a need for their services?
To keep kids out the streets and show them its more to life then just being in the streets

III. The mission statement of the organization. (If you worked for a structured organization not an individual) (hint: look up the mission statement on the organization's website

III.  Description of the specific tasks you performed for he organization or individual

today I worked 5 hours at the boys and girls club serving food to kids and picking up trash.
the next day i was helping kids play sports to stay fit& learn about others sports they did not know about. I moped and help clean the boys & girls club on the westside of syracuse

IV.  Discuss any memorable personal experience; positive or negative, you had during your service that you feel were important.    How these tasks impacted the mission of the organization or the well-being of the individual?

VI.  Conclusion:  Your personal reactions to the act of performing community service    Positive and/or negative reactions Do you feel you made a difference? Why or why not. What impact do you believe community service has on our society? Would you recommend your community service opportunity(ies) to other students Why or why not?

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